Magdalene by Angela Hunt was an interesting read. In it, Mary's family is killed by Roman soldiers and not long after, she becomes demon-possessed. After Jesus heals her, she spends the rest of her life seeking revenge for her family, not knowing until shortly before her death that her youngest son was saved by one of the soldiers.
Beneath a Southern Sky by Deborah Raney is excellent! I think this is the first time I've read this author and I am very impressed. The only thing I didn't like was that the back of the book told too much of the story; it would have been better to have been surprised by what happened instead of knowing what was coming. Daria and Nate were missionaries in South America when he was killed while trying to help a down-river tribe. She returned to the US and gives birth to Nate's child. Daria eventually moves on with life and remarries. If you read this book, don't read the back cover.
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