Simply sublime bags by Jodi Kahn. I returned this to the library some time ago so I don't remember too well, but I think the bags were pretty cool—a lot of them were no-sew and used stuff like duct tape, but some were made the usual way. There was a neat one, I remember, that was made from a T-shirt. I discovered this book through a
Martha Stewart video.

Slipcover style by Alison Wormleighton was very nice, but too involved for me. It described how to make slipcovers for different pieces of furniture. They were lovely, but the method was quite difficult-looking.

Sew darn cute by Jenny Ryan certainly had a lot of cute projects but it would be easy to tone down the cuteness by leaving off some of the embellishments. I think these make good quality items that are sturdy and beautiful.

Sew what! Bags by Lexie Barnes has lots of great projects. Everything from an eyeglasses case to a backpack. I want to make a couple of the bags; I would make more, but I already have more tote bags than I need.

Fabulous felt by Sophie Bester was not what I had hoped it would be. The projects are very "crafty". Some are pretty, but very few would be useful.

Sew fabulous fabric by Alice Butcher has instructions for making an apron, clothespin bag, curtains, fabric art, backpack, flower corsages and more. Some useful things and some not. The instructions are well-detailed.